Monthly Archives: October 2010

The Eyes are the Windows to the Soul

Today, we took Toby to the dog park. It’s one of his favorite places in the whole world. It’s also one of ours. Our kids play with all of the other dogs and we spend time getting to know the dogs’ owners. The funny part is we end up knowing the dogs better than the owners and often refer to the other humans at the park as “Sparky’s dad” or “Fluffy’s mom”.

On this cool but wonderfully sunny day, we met a woman and her two senior Cocker Spaniels, Shadow and Cookie. Brilliant purebreds with soft and sweet temperaments, Shadow and Cookie moved quietly around the park, pleasantly greeting the other dogs and their owners. I started talking with their owner only to find that Shadow suffered from Cushing’s disease and Cookie was blind. She explained how Cookie had lost her site about a year and a half ago and Shadow was currently being treated for his illness. Shadow was sluggish and silent, attempting to chase a ball or tumble after one of the younger pups. Cookie, eyes covered with the silky blue of cataracts, sniffed her way around, occasionally losing her way, listening intently for her owner’s voice. Once she heard her voice and caught her scent, she’d come running, all smiles with her tail wagging away.

As we talked, I found myself looking again and again into the eyes of these two determined dogs. Shadow, his big, brown and liquid eyes, slightly sad, but wise. Wanting to tell us something, but not knowing how. Cookie, her eyes shining an iridescent blue, bright and smiling. Content in her darkness and taken by her world of sounds and smells.

The eyes are the windows of the soul and today, these two beautiful animals bared theirs in the crisp autumn breeze under a clear October sky.

Treat, Don’t Trick Your Pet this Halloween

Goblins, ghouls, ghosts. Kids running this way and that. Doorbells ringing and doors a-knockin’. That’s a lot of stimulation for your pet. And while it’s cute to dress them up in the spirit of the holiday, remember that for your pet’s comfort and safety, it’s best to provide them with a nice quiet place to relax.

The Human Society of the United States suggests several tips for a stress-free Halloween, including:

  • Keep your pets inside and away from trick-or-treaters and other Halloween activities
  • Make sure your pet is wearing the appropriate tags and ID in case they escape as doors are being opened and closed
  • Keep candy out of their reach as it can be toxic to them
  • If you decide to dress up your pet, think safety and comfort. Consider forgoing a mask
  • Keep decorations away from pets – especially candles and hanging or dangling decorations
  • Use fake cobwebs sparingly as pets can choke on them. In addition, if used outdoors, wildlife can be put in harm’s way if they ingest or become tangled in them
  • When trick-or-treating, leave your dog at home. Dogs can easily be excited by all of the Halloween activity and no one wants to run the risk of a lost pet or a potential bite
  • Keep an eye out for wildlife, especially when out at night, as animals such as raccoons, opossums and foxes may be hunting for food. Keep your distance and keep your pet out of harm’s way

For the complete article and the comprehensive list of tips, visit The Humane Society of the United States.

Happy Halloween!


I’ve decided to start this blog because I have a passion for animals. I am especially fond of dogs as I’ve had them throughout most of my life. My latest little four-legged friend is named Toby. He’s a West Highland Terrier Poodle mix that we rescued from a local shelter when he was 10 weeks old. He’s spunky, smart and has a great energy. I can’t imagine life without him.

Growing up, my dogs were members of the family. I loved them, cuddled with them, and missed them terribly after they were gone. But, I admit, I wasn’t aware of all of the responsibilities of dog ownership – proper training, grooming, socialization, exercise – because my parents did most of that work. Now, not only am I aware of those things, I am immersed in them on a daily basis. In addition, the dogs I had growing up were purchased from breeders or pet stores. Today, I am aware of puppy mills, animal abuse and the importance of spaying and neutering your pets. I’m a supporter of the Humane Society of the United States and donate monthly to the ASPCA. I pay attention to local and national legislation relating to domesticated and wild animals. I watch Animal Planet and the National Geographic Channel. I read whatever I can get my hands on. I’m constantly educating myself and I take my responsibility as Toby’s human incredibly seriously. I also believe I have an obligation to help animals of all species, breeds, shapes and sizes.

So, this blog is going to be a place where I talk about animals. I’ll share information about their health and well-being, training tips and ideas, issues and hot topics, humor and anecdotes, as well as provide resources for other animal owners and advocates.

John Muir said “Any glimpse into the life of an animal quickens our own and makes it so much the larger and better in every way.” I believe that and I know there are many, many others in the world who feel the same.