Category Archives: School

Class has begun…

Today I dove into my first class for the Veterinary Assistant Program at the Animal Behavior College. It focuses on office etiquette and hospital procedures. So far I’ve learned about the role of the Veterinary Assistant in a clinical setting, laws and legalities related to animal medicine and the human-animal bond.

Distance learning is a whole new world for me. Back when I was in college, I went to classes every day, sat in a lecture hall or classroom and listened to a professor, and had other students around to chat with. With this program, I’m on my own. I have my study guides and text books and I pace myself throughout the month. My first exam will be on the 24th. It’s a different way of learning, but exciting and challenging at the same time. If I stay on course, I should be able to finish up the curriculum by the end of summer and then I can (hopefully) start my externship in the fall.

Toby slept next to me while I studied. I’m sure he was bored as he kept sighing loudly. He really knows how to put a smile on my face – such a funny little guy.