Our New Favorite Toy

Toby loves a challenge, so I thought I would look into different toys that would not only provide that challenge, but reward him for his efforts. After some searching, we found the Busy Buddy Twist ‘n Treat. It’s a 2-piece adjustable rubber treat dispensing toy that lets you adjust the rate at which the treats are dispersed. 

When we first gave the toy to Toby, we made the space between the two sides a little wider so the treats would come out easily and he would get the point of the toy. After he had success with it, we screwed the opening a little tighter so it took him longer to get the treats out. He was fully engaged until he got every last treat out of the toy. Then he brought the empty toy over to me so that I could fill it again! The toy’s adjustable opening allows it to be filled with different types of treats. We use Zuke’s Mini Naturals, but you can use any hard, soft or smear-able treat.  It comes in three sizes for small, medium and large dogs and is made of natural rubber, so it’s not really recommended for strong chewers. Toby can destroy a rubber toy if given the chance, so we take it away after he’s done getting the treats out.

It’s a lot of fun for Toby and it’s a lot of fun for us to watch him try to figure out how to get to his treats. I’m so impressed watching his little mind working to manipulate the toy. First he pushes it with his nose, then he knocks it around with his paws. Each time, a treat falls out for him to gobble up.

I love finding new toys for Toby!

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